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 In Memoriam--Katharine Toll

Three Generations of Tolls at Wellesley College (Classes of 1911, 1935 and 1968)

Katharine ("Kate") Toll began Wellesley with our class but apparently did not graduate with our class but our classmate Dorothy Mackey Lurie remembers " I met Kate on the French Corridor in Tower Court sophomore year. We were friends for a while, but somehow that friendship did not continue. "

 In Memoriam--Sarah Kelly Young

Sarah Jane Kelly Young, age 77 of Brentwood, TN passed August 31, 2023.  She loved helping others to grow in their faith, and became one of the most popular Christian authors of all time.

                                                     Fall 2023 Class Notes by Judy Siskind

Judy Siskind's first class notes include: Jean Arrington's Victorian Society award and her daughter's play on Jean's marraige; plus news from Pamela Starr Bromberg, Kay Lehman Scholzman, Carolyn Pratt Brock and Monia Buegeleisen Joblin.

1968 reunion banner